Wednesday 2 January 2013

Day Two

Another lazy day today! Working from home means that I don't actually have to get dressed until I need to leave the house, which can be good and bad. Good, because it saves me putting outfits together, bad, because it's hard to be proactive in pyjamas!

I went to watch The Hobbit with my family this evening, and since I was only going to be sat in the dark, I put minimal effort into my outfit. It seems I'm having a pretty uninspired start to 2013! I just find it so hard to dress well in cold weather when all I really care about is not freezing on my way to the car.

T-shirt - Topshop Maternity (via eBay); Leggings - eBay; Pumps - eBay

A very eBay orientated outfit today, so it's probably a good chance to mention that I am completely addicted. I love bargains, I love packages arriving, and I love bidding. It's a pretty unhealthy, and ultimately expensive, addiction which is one of the reasons I started this blog in the first place.

Also, I have no need for maternity wear just yet, I just like my tops to be baggy and this one happened to be going cheap!

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