Tuesday 8 January 2013

Day Eight

Obviously I'm putting my new boots into action today! This is my second day of wearing something that's been sat in my wardrobe waiting to be loved. I bought this velvet leopard print top a few months back in a charity shop but I've been feeling so uninspired I've not got around to wearing it.

Similarly, yesterday's cricket jumper was a bargain for £1 at a car boot sale last summer and was actually in one of my eBay bags until I saw a few people wearing similar pieces and decided to give mine a go. I'm going to put it down to this blog inspiring me to make a use out of the numerous unworn items I own.

Leopard print top - charity shop; Cut off Levi's - eBay; Belt - charity shop; Necklace - H&M; Boots - eBay


  1. Love the middle picture, you look so sassy haha xx

    1. HAHA thanks it's my new thing ;) Seriously though, I look so dumb just stood there I can't deal with it!
